The Adventures (and MisAdventures) of Elliott and Mary


The 2004 Cruising Year  - Starting the Adventure

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About Letitia
The 2004 Cruising Year - Starting the Adventure
The 2005 Cruising Year  - Off to finish the "Great Loop"
The 2006 Cruising Year  - "River Rats"
The 2007 Cruising Year  - "The Big Lake"
The 2008 Cruising Year  - "Back into Canada"
The 2009 Cruising Year  - "Back into Canada ---- Again!!!"
The 2010 Cruising Year  - "To the Bay!!"

This is the story of Mary, Elliott, and Letitia.
Together we are going on a grand adventure and we thought you might care to look over our shoulders as we go.
From time to time we will publish issues of our "Adventures (and) Misadventures" although we've found that the text sometimes lags behind our intentions.

After retiring and a hectic two weeks or so involving a wedding, moving half a housefull of 'stuff' to storage in San Antonio, Tx and part to Letitia in Slidell, La we moved aboard her the first of January, 2004. After three months getting settled and gathering our courage we left Slidell March 28, 2004 headed for the East Coast with plans to summer on the Chesapeake Bay.

What  a great time we had there.

This page of our opus gives you a peak at that first year.
Misadventures - Issue 1 We move onto Letitia and try to figure out how to go about the new life.
February 6, 2004

Misadventures - Issue 2 We finally leave the now familiar Oak Harbor Marina and set sail (as it were) on our journey. The trip from Slidell to Pensacola. 
April 1, 2004

Misadventures - Issue 3 We tell the tale of the trip east from Pensacola, the dreaded 'Crossing the Gulf', and a few sights of the far shore. I'll bet you didn't know that all manner of  monsters and strange sights inhabit the nighttime fog. 
April 20, 2004

Misadventures - Issue 4 We move from the Gulf to the Atlantic coast. 
 April 26, 2004

Misadventures - Issue 5 Up the Florida Coast to St. Augustine
May 1, 2004

Misadventures - Issue 6 On to Charleston. Actually, past Charleston. We prepare for the last push into Portsmouth, Va. 
May 24, 2004

Misadventures - Issue 7 We cross the Pamlico and Albermarle Sounds, visit the 'Rose Buddies', and transit the Dismal Swamp. We arrive in Portsmouth (in dramatic fashion).
June 2, 2004

Misadventures - Issue 8 Portsmouth was a fun time. We got caught up and moved 'Bella' the car to Maryland.
We move up the Virginia Coast.
June 12, 2004

Misadventures - Issue 9  Up the Potomac to Washington, DC

Misadventures - Issue 10 Our Washington, DC Visit - June 24 - July 8

Misadventures - Issue 11 The Journey from Washington, DC to Solomons, MD

Misadventures - Issue 12 Wilmington, NC


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